Kindergarten Health
CourseKindergarteners will learn the importance of major body parts and organs, hygiene habits, healthful food choices, keeping safe, exercise, sleep, understanding feelings and the right to express them, and how family can help them grow and develop.
4th Grade ELA
CourseIn Grade 4 ELA, students explore, discuss and interpret other opinions. They listen for main events in stories and notice how certain things cause other things to happen. Your child will express their ideas logically and in ways that entertain.
Kindergarten Geography
CourseIn Kindergarten Geography, the young learner will be introuced to exciting topics sucha as cities, states, continents, countries, maps, compass directions, and more.
Kindergarten Educational Games and Activities
CourseKindergarten Educational Games and Activities
Elementary School Physical Education
CoursePhysical education is an important part of each kid's education. This class will engage kids in activities to help Improve muscular strength, flexibility, endurance, body composition and cardiovascular health.
2nd Grade ELA
CourseStudents will analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text, as well as assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.