Course curriculum

    1. Communism

    2. The Cold War

    3. De-Stalinization

    4. Quiz (Auto-graded)

    5. Counterculture

    6. Quiz (Auto-graded)

    7. The Forgotten War

    8. The Two Koreas

    9. Quiz (Auto-graded)

    1. People's Republic of China

    2. Cultural Revolution

    3. Ping-pong Diplomacy

    4. Quiz (Auto-graded)

    1. The Three Worlds

    2. Bay of Pigs

    3. Quiz (Auto-graded)

    4. The Vietnam War

    5. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    6. Year Zero

    7. Quiz (Auto-graded)

    8. Space Race

    9. Strategic Defense Initiative

    10. Quiz (Auto-graded)

    1. The Berlin Wall Falls

    2. The Collapse of the Communist Regimes

    3. Gorbachev's Revolution

    4. Dissolution of the Soviet Union

    5. Quiz (Auto-graded)

    6. Independent Study and Class Notes

    1. Unit Worksheets Packet

    2. Absolute Power

    3. The Glorious Revolution

    4. Enlightenment

    5. Frederick's Reforms

    6. American Revolution

    7. Quiz (Auto-graded)

    1. The Old Order

    2. French Revolution

    3. Reign of Terror

    4. Napoleon Bonaparte

    5. Napoleonic Wars

    6. Concert of Europe

    7. The Liberator

    8. Class Notes

    9. Written Assignment (Instructor-graded): Revolutions Unfold

About this course

  • Included With Homeschool Pro
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Engaging Video Content
  • Quizzes and Assignments
  • Worksheets
  • Progress Tracking
  • Adapts to All Learning Styles
  • Continuous Course Updates
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 21st Century Education Approach