The Homeschooler's Insight into Human Nature

Delving into Thoughts and Emotions

    1. The Field of Psychology

    2. Approaches to Psychology

    3. Theoretical Approaches : Independent Research Assignment

    4. Pre-Research Decisions

    5. Types of Studies

    6. Experiments and Ethics

    7. Research Methods Ethical Issues

    8. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy/Placebo

    9. Intro to Psychology Quiz (Auto-graded)

    10. Psychology Experiments Assignment (Instructor-graded)

    1. Neurons

    2. Synapses and Neurotransmitters

    3. The Brain

    4. Corpus Callosum

    5. Control of Body and Mind Quiz (Auto-graded)

    1. Sensation

    2. Sensation (Part 2)

    3. Sensation and Perception Notes

    4. The Senses

    5. The Senses (Part 2)

    6. Perception

    7. Perception (Part 2)

    8. Perception (Part 3)

    9. Senses and Perception Quiz (Auto-graded)

    1. Classical Conditioning

    2. Classical Conditioning (Part 2)

    3. Classical Conditioning (Part 3)

    4. Independent Study: Classical Conditioning (With Illustrations)

    5. Operant Conditioning and Reinforcement

    6. Positive/Negative Reinforcement

    7. Shaping, Chaining, and Punishment

    8. Social Learning

    9. Social Learning (Part 2)

    10. Learning Quiz (Auto-graded)

    1. Process of Memory

    2. Process of Memory (Part 2)

    3. Activity: Finding Nemo - Short Term Memory Loss

    4. Forgetting and Improving Memory

    5. Recognition, Recall, and Relearning

    6. Class Notes: Memory

    7. Worksheets: Memory

    8. Theories of Motivation

    9. Biological Motives

    10. Theories of Motivation (Part 2)

    11. Social Motives

    12. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

    13. Memory and Motivation Quiz (Auto-graded)

    1. Stanley Milgram

    2. Class Notes - Milgram Experiment

    3. Harry Harlow

    4. Solomon Asch

    5. Class Notes - Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment

    6. Stanford Prison Experiment

    7. Worksheet: Stanford Prison Experimenr

    8. Class Experiment

    9. Festinger and Carlsmith

    10. Worksheet: Cognitive Dissonance

    11. Martin Seligman

    12. Influential Psychology Experiments Quiz (Auto-graded)

    13. Assignment - Influential Psychology Experiments (Instructor-graded)

Unlock Mind Secrets

  • Included With Homeschool Pro
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Engaging Video Content
  • Quizzes and Assignments
  • Worksheets
  • Progress Tracking
  • Adapts to All Learning Styles
  • Continuous Course Updates
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 21st Century Education Approach
  • Understand Cognitive Processes
  • Learn Emotional Intelligence
  • Analyze Social Interactions